Safe Destination Programme
About the #SafeDestinationKerry Programme:
The Safe Destination Kerry Programme, a collaboration between Kerry County Council, Kerry Education and Training Board, the Kerry Branch of the Irish Hotels Federation, and the Kerry Tourism Industry Federation is an initiative to show both visitors and locals Kerry is a Safe Destination with a shared commitment to safety.
The ‘Safe Destination’ Badge which will be displayed in premises where staff have undergone specialised training on cleanliness, hygiene and customer interaction in the COVID-19 environment.
Up to 3,000 staff in the tourism and retails industries in the county are participating in this training which has been devised and is being provided by the Kerry Education and Training Board.
The aim is to ensure that Kerry tourism and retail staff are trained in infection prevention, hygiene and cleanliness to the highest international standards as they reopen for business.
Join the Programme
Step 1: Staff Training
There are separate programmes for the Retail sector, for attraction & activity providers and for the Hospitality sector.
- Retail sector: complete the following expression of interest form
- Activities & Attractions providers, complete the following expression of interest form
- Hospitality sector, complete the following expression of interest form
Step 2: Apply for the Safe Destination badge
Businesses who have completed the training may apply for the Safe Destination Badge by completing this online application form.
Our Business Support Helpline will provide a rapid turnaround for any applications having verified the completion of the training pre-requisites with Kerry ETB.